In June 2023, the Go-Lab Ecosystem has completed its lifecycle. The Go-Lab Sharing and Support Platform (Golabz) is being maintained as the Go-Lab Showcase Platform. The content you will find in this Support Area demonstrates the progress and achievements of the Go-Lab Initiative during its operation years, explains the functioning of the former Go-Lab Ecosystem, and provides pedagogical background of Go-Lab, which we hope can still be valuable for your classroom. Please note that it is no longer possible to use the Go-Lab Ecosystem as described on these pages. The Support Area is for your information only.
If you are interested in creating and using Inquiry Learning Spaces in your classroom, please visit the new Authoring Platform
Need support with creating your own Inquiry Learning Space (ILS), configuring the Apps and choosing the right Scenario for your students? Are you interested in learning how Go-Lab supports inquiry, collaborative and self-regulated learning? Would you like to contact the Go-Lab representatives in your country or take Go-Lab's online training course? Then check out the navigation menu on this page to use the full services and benefits the Go-Lab ecosystem has to offer!
Check out our glossary to familiarize yourself with the Go-Lab ecosystem's terms and definitions.

Content of the Support Area can be accessed using the navigation menu on this page. Most of the content can be compiled and downloaded in 30 languages. Use the Compile your manual button to see how. Before going over the content overview of the different support sections, check out our Why use Go-Lab video below.
Why use Go-Lab?
Still not sure whether Go-Lab is the right ecosystem for you and your students? Ton de Jong, coordinator of the Go-Lab and Next-Lab projects, presents several arguments for using Go-Lab in your school or university. Learn how Go-Lab has great benefits for students, as well as teachers and their communities.
How to use Go-Lab
This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to start with Graasp, Go-Lab's authoring and learning platform. You can also find multiple showcase and configuration videos explaining how to create an ILSs and how to set up inquiry learning apps, as well as how to use learning analytics in apps. These videos and guides will take you through the whole process of navigating and using the Go-Lab ecosystem. The new Tips & Tricks page provides straightforward answers to the mostly asked technical and pedagogical questions from our beginner and advanced users.
Pedagogical Support
The support materials in this section will provide you with all the information and resources you need to create a pedagogically sound ILS and integrate the suitable tools for your learning scenarios. Additionally, you will find some useful pedagogical tips on how to design a good ILS and support under each of the learning theories and scenarios in relation to inquiry learning, collaborative learning, self-regulated learning, peer- and self- assessment among others. The Big Ideas of Science integrating different subject domains under big themes are explained. Different classroom scenarios are presented and supported by the ecosystem. You can learn all about the scenarios on their assigned pages. Furthermore, you can use the scenarios' templates available on the dedicated pages, in order to create your Spaces.
Teacher Training
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Go-Lab user, the Online Training Modules provide you with the technical and pedagogical knowledge and practice to become a Go-Lab expert! In this section you can access the training modules, providing you with extensive information about the different components and tools of the Go-Lab ecosystem and presenting several examples of classroom scenarios. Furthermore, in this area, you will find the contact information of the project representatives in your country, and the teacher training institutions working with the Go-Lab ecosystem.