Are you an enthusiastic Next-Lab teacher? Do you want your Go-Lab experience to be useful to thousands of teachers around the world? The Next-Lab team needs you!
Since its initiation, the Next-Lab project had been built around teachers’ needs in the classroom. The Next-Lab team works closely with teachers to provide resources, training sessions and workshops, with the aim to create even more engaging and fun learning experiences for the students. In fact, teachers’ feedback and suggestions have a great impact on the training events, the selection of labs, and the development of new features, apps and tools.
As a Next-Lab teacher, who implemented the Go-Lab Ecosystem in your classroom, you have developed great insights on what works best in a genuine setting. Your feedback about the planning, implementation and reflection phases of the Go-Lab Ecosystem provides a solid ground for enhancement and further development.
On the other hand, if you are a Next-Lab teacher who experimented with the Go-Lab Ecosystem without actual classroom implementation, you can still provide constructive feedback about the ecosystem’s features and content. Furthermore, you can propose the kind of support and conditions you would like to see integrated in the ecosystem.
Intrigued?! Please share with us your feedback by filling in the Next-Lab focus teachers’ questionnaire.
Please notice that the participation will be open until October 2018.

You are also welcome to join the online Go-Lab community (if you don’t have a Graasp account yet, please first sign up, so you can proceed to the community registration form)!
Many thanks and see you at Go-Lab!