On this page, you will find Go-Lab contact persons from the different countries, whom you can approach to receive more information about the projects and clarify your questions. There are three types of roles:
1. National Expertise Centre (NEC): this is an organisation, who was a member of the Next-Lab project consortium, responsible for the teacher support, as well as Go-Lab training and dissemination in the selected country.
2. Go-Lab Ambassador: this is a teacher, who was responsible for the teacher support, as well as Go-Lab training and dissemination in the selected country.
3. Teacher Training Institution (TTI): this is an organisation providing teacher vocational training in the selected country and cooperating with Go-Lab.
Please note that the Go-Lab projects have finished and the listed contact persons might no longer be active in the context of Go-Lab or in their organisations.
Please use the filter on the right of the page to search for contacts in your country (press "apply" button after having selected the country).